
How long until my order ships?

Please allow up to two weeks after you place you order for it to ship (though I try to ship all packages out on Mondays) Shipping generally takes 3-5 days after I ship it out for it to arrive to you! 


What if I live outside the US

I will try to figure out international shipping ASAP but for this first round of Fleshnuts it will be limited to US orders only. Sorry! 


Do you accept returns?

We can only accept returns in case an item is damaged during shipping. If this is the case please send photos and a brief email to gothorella@gmail.com and I will get back to you ASAP. 


Do you take commissions?

 I do not currently take personal commissions 


Will you ever sell anything other than Fleshnuts

Probably! But not heart stress balls or brain pillows. More likely the odd one off here and there.

(I know its more fleshnuts, but eyenuts (name tbd) and fleshios are coming in the next round! )


More fleshnut specific FAQ

What are fleshnuts 

Fleshnuts are handmade hard plastic multimedia sculptures made from recycled polystyrene, tinted varnish and wool by the artist Gothorella.

When is the next round of fleshnuts ? 

I am not certain but probably around September! Sign up to the mailing list and I will send an email with the next art release! 


What happened to Fleshios? 

The fleshios are now called "mini" fleshnuts (I am open to a different name) . I have a new smaller size that will be assuming the Fleshio moniker. 


What about the 'Fleshnut' story ? 

There is a vague story that will be revealed through the 12 (fictional) 'ad's released in the blog section (found here) 

The current 'story' is focused on Lemy the fictional marketing intern and his assignment to advertise fleshnuts. Lemy does not really know what is going on or what they are but as the ads progress little bits and bobs begin to be revealed 


Can I ignore the story

Yes indeedy! And not even in a snippy 'you can ignore anything' sort of a way lol. The story was created around the existing artwork. I wrote all about the non story fleshnuts at the following link (methods used to make it and artistic statement)

More about fleshnuts here (the minis are the same) 



Fleshnuts are not edible or flexible.